Sunday, November 16, 2008

el mar Caribe

Here is the road to our cabaña on the beach...
An art installation in Mèrida.

The cabaña where I will be sleeping tonight.

A view of the beach here in Tulum, 20 steps away from the cabaña.

Some really cute baby chickens that I saw in Palenque. Unfortunately, they`ll probably grow up to be chick fillets one day....

I am now in Tulum. Let me tell you the story of how I got here. Simone and I were in Mèrida for 3 nights. We just hung out and Simone had a friend who is going to school there so we hung around with him. Yesterday we took a 7am bus to Cancùn, then got a shuttle to the airport, to pick up Mary, another friend of Simone. Then the three of us came to Tulùm by bus, which is a few hours south of Cancùn.
We stayed in a nice place last night, but it was a little expensive for our budgets, so we moved again this morning. I put a photo of our cabaña above, so you can see it. It is right on the beach, and the water is crystal clear and the waves are really calm. This is my first time to the Carribean and I must say, I am impressed. I`m excited to spend a lot of time laying around on the beach and swimming.
Today is pretty cloudy so it doesn`t look so fantastic in the pictures I took, but I will take more when it is sunny so you can all be properly jealous.
Mèrida was extremely hot and I`m sure it is here too, normally. Today is not bad because of the aforementioned clouds, but it is still tank top weather.
I guess that`s all I have to say right now... I will blog again sometime this week, as I will be here in Tulum awaiting Cassie and Rocio`s arrival.


Derek said...

I like the half cadillac. Its like the cars they have cut in half and sticking out of a wall at theme restaurants, except its horizontal.

Albert, Simply Put said...

Nothing wrong with enjoying beaches, siestas and mucho calor... ;)

Cities I've Visited